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Leader Application

2025 MVP Spring Leadership Academy

Williams, AZ - March 21-23, 2025

What size hoodie do you wear?
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Adult 2XL

Please note that we ask all attendees to follow our MVP Code of Conduct. Please read the code and know that part of your being a leader is making sure the boys adhere to this.


  1. I will be courteous and respectful of others and I agree to value and respect others' ideas.

  2. I will not use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco as I will be a role model to others.

  3. I will respect my teachers and continue to exhibit positive leadership qualities.

  4. I will attend all classes regularly and on time.

  5. I will prepare for each class and bring appropriate materials and assignments.

  6. I will obey all campus and classroom rules.


I/We hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by MVP Foundation to secure and administer treatment and to maintain and/or release any medical records necessary for insurance purposes to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for the above named person. I have received notice and agree to the release of my personal information and required health information.


I have been informed of the risks related to this Event, including any inherent risks that cannot be eliminated, and I expressly assume any and all risks of injury, illness or infectious and/or contagious diseases or sicknesses, death, or damage to my person or property arising from or relating to my or my child’s participation in the Event, including travel to and from the Event. In doing so, I acknowledge and certify that I, or my child, am/is fit to participate in this Event and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person. 

I recognize that my/my child’s participation in the Event is a privilege and as consideration for this privilege, I waive and release any and all actions, claims, suits or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever against Young Life and MVP Foundation, their corporate affiliates, contractors, vendors, officers, agents, sponsors, volunteers or representatives of any kind (collectively “Releasees”) arising from or relating in any way to my/my child’s voluntary participation in the Event, including travel to and from the Event and the Activities at the Event, unless arising out of the willful or grossly negligent act of the Releasees, and I agree to indemnify the Releasees should any such loss, damage or claim occur.

I verify that I/my child named is in good health and capable of participating in strenuous activities and, when necessary, will tailor my/their activities to those within the bounds of my/their physical health.  I further acknowledge that I have had an opportunity to inquire about the kinds of activities which will take place at the Event and that I/my child am capable of participating in all activities including sports, climbing wall and swimming. 

I understand that participation in Young Life and MVP Foundation activities requires the use of certain safety equipment. I have been provided information on the safety equipment that I, or my child, will be required to wear at all times during the specific activity.  I understand that I, or my child, assumes responsibility for inspecting the safety equipment prior to its use to ensure that the safety equipment is in good condition and to timely notify Young Life and MVP Foundation if there are any concerns prior to using the safety equipment. 

I understand that signing this Consent/Release means, among other things, that if I am/my child is injured or dies as a result of my/their participation in the Event, I, and/or my family or heirs cannot under any circumstances sue Releasees for damages relating to or caused by my injuries or death. I recognize and acknowledge that Young Life and MVP Foundation are neither common carriers or in the business of providing transportation services. 

In consideration for allowing myself and/or my child to be transported to and from the Event with Young Life and MVP Foundation, I further reaffirm my assumption of the risks of being transported to and from the Event on behalf of myself and/or my child.  I also understand that if circumstances arise where I deem it necessary for I and/or my child to be transported from the Event through a transportation method outside of Young Life or MVP Foundation, I do so at my own risk and agree to release the Releasees from any and all liability related to such decision.

I have read this Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement, have asked and received answers to any questions I had concerning its meaning and execute it freely, without duress, and in full complete understanding of its legal effect, and of the fact that it may affect my legal rights.


I hereby grant permission to the Young Life and MVP Foundation to use photographs and/or video taken during the weekend for marketing purposes.


I am the parent or legal guardian of the child whose name appears above. I have read and understand this Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement, and consent on behalf of the Participant to its terms.

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